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2022 new laws | Here is what’s new in California workplace laws

CALIFORNIA, USA — As we head into a new year with high hopes for the economy to continue to recover and grow, 2022 has brought something that everyone can count on: new state laws. Some of the new laws include one that will require the Employment Development Department (EDD) to provide a person additional notification...


The Essentials – California Employment Law Update

MAGADIA V. WAL-MART ASSOCS., INC., NO. 19-16184 (9TH CIR. MAY 28, 2021) In a class action and Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) lawsuit alleging meal-break and wage-statement violations under the California Labor Code, the 9th Circuit reversed the lower court’s ruling against Wal-Mart, holding that: (1) plaintiff lacked standing to bring the PAGA claim because...


ISS proposes voting policy changes for 2021

Last week, ISS released for public comment a number of proposed voting policy changes to be applied for shareholder meetings taking place on or after February 1, 2021.  The proposed changes for U.S. companies relate to board racial/ethnic diversity, director accountability for governance failures related to environmental or social issues and shareholder litigation rights, i.e., exclusive forum provisions. Comments...